The operation of bitwise integer logical exclusive-or between two items. The two operands are internally converted to 4 byte integers before the EOR operation. EOR will return a non-zero result if the two items are different.

IF A=2 EOR B=3 THEN 110

You can use EOR as a logical operator or as a 'bit-by-bit' (bitwise) operator. The operands can be boolean (logical) or numeric.

Unfortunately, BBC BASIC does not have true Boolean variables; it uses numeric variables and assigns the value 0 for FALSE and -1 for TRUE. This can lead to confusion at times. (See NOT for more details).

In the example below, the operands are Boolean (logical) and the result of the tests (IF) A=2 and (IF) B=3 is either TRUE or FALSE.

The result of this example will be FALSE if A=2 and B=3 or A<>2 and B<>3. In other words, the answer will only be TRUE if the results of the two tests are different.

answer=(A=2 EOR B=3)

The brackets are not necessary, they have been included to make the example easier to follow.

The last example uses EOR in a similar fashion to the numeric operators (+, -, etc).

A=X EOR 11

Suppose X was -20, the EOR operation would be:

11111111 11111111 11111111 11101100
00000000 00000000 00000000 00001011
11111111 11111111 11111111 11100111  = -25


<n-var>=<numeric> EOR <numeric>

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