Texas Instruments Plugins


Writes and signs a TI-73 application (*.7xk).


This output writer uses the intelhex output writer plugin to generate an output binary. It then uses Wappsign (from the TI-83 Plus SDK) to sign the application.

For this reason, you must configure Wappsign first. Run Wappsign from the Start Menu or from the Utils subdirectory of the SDK's installation directory. Click the […] button next to the Key file field, then browse for the 0104.key file. Answer Yes to the question "This directory is not in your search path. Add it now?". Tick the Save settings on exit box, then click Close.

If signing the application fails for any reason, A warning message is displayed and the output file is left as an unsigned Intel HEX file. You will need to sign the application yourself manually.

See Also