TI-83 Plus

Welcome to the TI-83 Plus Software Page.
From here you can see screenshots, read the blurb, and find links to my various TI-83 Plus bits and pieces. With each one, click the name of the program to download it, or click the animate button (if available) to see an animated version of the screenshot.


Connect 4. For the TI-83 as well as the usual TI-83 Plus, a game that allows you to play against a friend or AI - there are three different AI levels, and you can even pitch the AI against itself!
Fire Track 2. Featuring two modes of play - Classic or Extended - giving you the feel of the original BBC Micro game or the more exciting Extended version with extra weapons that can be picked up every 100 points, such as the destructive EMP or time-warping 'speed' or 'freeze' powerups. Fast, smoothscrolling (destructable) tilemaps, parallax scrolling stars, path based enemies, and random level generation as well as the two original levels. This game will run in MirageOS (recommended) and Ion.
Lemming Syndrome. Mad Marco has blown up a bridge and people are being forced to jump off it. Is there any hope? Well, yes, for you are Lifeboat Lennie. Watch out though... for the activity lures in a hungry shark that tries to eat you if you stay still for too long and Marco throws bombs at you, trying to blow you up!
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Stigma 2 - It's Stigma -but with external level support! Use the included level editor to create new (and exciting) level sets!
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Repton is an infuriatingly difficult rock-rollin' diamond-devourin' earth-eatin' monster-manglin' extravaganza combining logical thinking and arcade excitement into one huge mega-game. This game features fantastic flicker-free 4-level greyscale, external levels, a Windows based editor and much more!
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UFO Attack: Based on a Java applet somewhere out there on the web, the idea is to fire guided missiles (guided, that is by the left and right arrow keys) at descending Alien craft. If they land, it's GAME OVER time...
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Chopper is a tunnel game with a difference - pressing 2nd will move your chopper up, but it will tend to sink... Dodge the random blocks in the tunnel too! Last the longest and get the highest score... My first ever release for both Ion and MirageOS!
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Stigma - the mad ball bearing game - is a simple yet infuriating game of skill and determination! Guide the slippery ball bearing over the tiles to collect all of the 'orbs' - once done, make your way back to the start so as to complete the level - sounds simple, but isn't! There are holes to dodge, and to make it even harder you will come across slippery tiles, arrow blocks, and more!
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Skate - the game for which I have received the most feedback - is a simple game (again!) that makes you jump over obstacles and slip down stairs in your attempt to beat your previous course time! Only taking a couple of days to write, this has to be the simplest and most graphically unpolished of my games. But hey, it's fun.
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Fire Track - based on the version for the BBC Micro computer - is one of my personal favourites. Good graphically, fair gameplay, simple controls and the thrill of getting a new high score - plus funky alien spacecraft and scrolling backgrounds - all a recipe for fun!
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Keep Going! Now we're going back a long way. My first ASM game (and first released game too), this game doesn't deserve to exist. Really. It is just a clone of what I thought was an original twist to the game 'Snake' (or 'Nibbles'). Well, it isn't as original as I first thought. Welcome to "Tron".
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Use Sentry to block the MEM, PRGM and APPS menus on your calculator with a 4-digit code on each! Since it is written in ASM there are no [ON] key bypasses! You can set it to lock any (or many) of the three by selecting manually which you'd like to block. Simple to set up and use.
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Icon Editor. At last - a way to edit the icons on MirageOS games. Just say NO to bad icons! Use the editor to load an icon, then edit it pixel by pixel in the 3x view... it even features an inverter and a clearer. A must for anyone with MirageOS on their calculator.
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BigPic Viewer. This comes with a Windows-based program to convert a large (in theory up to 2040x2040 pixels) black-and-white image into an 8xp file that can be sent to your calculator and displayed on its tiny 96x64 screen (use the arrow keys to pan around). Use it to keep maps, diagrams, panoramic views on your TI-handheld... the program runs in either ION or MirageOS.
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Advanced Controls, for the true geek. You can now access the hidden features of your calculator, such as fast circles and lowercase text. Switch on and off fast circles, lowercase text, inverse text, shift your screen up and down, reset your RAM, enter APD mode- it's all there.
Remote Control - Useless, to say the least... install this program as a keyhook, and plug in another calculator to yours- and now any key you press is used by both calculators. Graph a function exactly the same on both, control VTI from the comfort of your own calculator's keypad... a £50 prize to the best suggestion of what to use it for (only joking). Try it and see.. it's still quite cool!
Pi Background - Written to celebrate Pi day, 2003 - this little program displays a grey 'pi' symbol on your background (look at the screenshot closely!) It is there all the time - until, at least, you run an ASM program or turn the calculator off... It's there in all the menus, on the graph screen - everywhere! It flickers a bit in the screenshot- it is a bit less flickery than that in "real life".
MiniTune Player - A nifty little mod player, with 75 little tunes... Good sound quality, with full documentation on how to make your own songs. Great stuff! It won't replace your Discman/mp3 player though...
Sound Demo. Sound - something not everyone would expect from a calculator but this shows you that it can be done (if a little badly). This demo unlocks some of the Mr. T wisdom through your link port. Weird.
System Info. The real oldie - my first ever release. Shows a little more info than the 'About' screen - but not much (such as battery level indicator, free RAM, contrast level, OS version). Sheer rubbish.
TiVid Demos - Full screen compressed video on a TI-83 Plus. Download the compressor to create your own!
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z80 Workshop
Want a z80 editor/compiler that has more than NotePad? Well, here is what you need! It has many useful features:

Label jumper (box on right of screenshot). Click a link in that box, and jump straight to that label in the source! Magic!
Compile button (runs TASM & DevPac8X for you [included]).
'Tools' menu - allows you to add useful programs, like VTI, iStudio, or any other programming tools you might own.
Helpful errors! If TASM dumps a nasty one on you, a box pops up- click an error to jump to its line in the code!



TiVid Convertor 2

This tool has all you need to create fullscreen video on your TI-83 Plus series calculator. Point it to a folder containing a list of the frames of the animation, select the black and white conversion sliders, then get it to create an Ion/MirageOS compatible program. Simple to use, and gives quick and easy results.
Black/White conversion performed (including simple 50% dither).
Automatic brightness setting button.
MirageOS/Ion output files.
Looping or Non-looping output.
"Quality" slider (create even smaller files!)



MiniTune Player NT

Do you want to relive that wonderful tinny sound of the MiniTune player on your PC? Jealous of the TI-83 Plus owners? Grab this! (It won't work on Windows 95/98/ME/3.11) It must have an NT based OS to run! (The API call to make the sounds is not supported in other versions). The slider, for the curious, sets the speed of the tune. 100% to annoy anyone within audible range! A must-have!
